Among the silver-rimmed China, stacks of Bed, Bath & Beyond gift cards and wads of cash, we had one wedding gift that stood out from the rest. It was a hand-crafted, home-made scrapbook by one of my bridesmaids.
Each page resembled, all of them in chronological order, my wedding weekend, a sequence of the most beautiful days in my life!
From the wild night out in NYC for the bachelorette party, to the endearing rehearsal dinner, to the tearful ceremony before the joyful afterparty, all the memories were captured by photo prints carefully laid out on each page. Plus some fun words to caption each photo, making every captured memory even more flavorful.
Today there are so many web sites who can create a beautiful, shiny album with advanced graphical design by simply clicking your mouse. They are easy, fast and well-done. But none of them competes with one of my closest friend's wedding gift - a truly creative and personal way to celebrate the weekend of a lifetime!
It is a gift that costs no more than the heart that put into it, and therefore it is priceless.
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